WEATHER: Repeat of March 13, with intermittent rain showers. Sap still running. BOILING STATUS: Day 12.
SYRUP STATUS: Pushing 1800 gallons, grade is dropping due to lack of freezing nights.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: "Man, is that doing that again?" (Uttered by L. at the upper sap shed after testing out a new method of rinsing the giant tanks up there.) What he heard was the vacuum pump suddenly shifting its tone from a tenor groan to an alto whine.
We make syrup with our ears, alert to changes in the pitch of the boiling sap, the roaring fire and the filter press pumping finished syrup. We listen to the reverse osmosis machine in the next room. The timer goes off and we check the temperature of cleaning water heating up in another room. And we listen to music on the boom box and sing along.
ARCHIVAL JOURNAL ENTRY: O Brother Where Art Thou has just the right feel as sugarhouse music. It goes with muddy boots, sticky floors, steamy pans, tired sugarers. And it makes all right with the world.
MACRO: Many weekend visitors.
MICRO: Bright-eyed eight-year-old triplets, two girls and a boy, sitting on the back bench, delighted by the steam as it ebbs and flows over their heads.